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From C++ to Objective-C

This document is designed to act as a bridge between C++ and Objective-C. Many texts exist
to teach the object model through Objective-C, but to my knowledge, none target advanced C++
developers wanting to compare these concepts with their own knowledge. At first, the Objective-C
language seems to be an obstacle rather than a boost for Cocoa programming (cf. section 1 on the
following page): it was so different that I couldn’t get into it. It took me some time to appreciate its
challenges, and understand the many helpful concepts it supplies. This document is not a tutorial,
but a quick reference, to these concepts. I hope that it will be useful in preventing a developer
from either abandoning Objective-C or misusing its features, because of a misunderstanding of
the language. This document does not claim to be a full reference, but a quick one. For detailed
explanations of a concept, be sure to read a specialized Objective-C manual [4].
Making comparisons with C# would require another document, because that language is much
closer to Objective-C than C++ can be. Thus, a C# developer would certainly learn Objective-C
faster. According to me, C# is, despite a bunch of advanced concepts, far less interesting than
Objective-C, because it gives hard access to simple Objective-C features, and the Cocoa API quality
is miles ahead of .NET. This personal opinion is not the subject of the present document.

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